Gynecologic Tumor

Prof. Dr. Holger Bronger

The immune system is an inherently effective weapon in the fight against cancer. However, tumors develop various ways to help them effectively evade such immune intervention. The clarification of these so-called immune escape mechanisms has led to the development of completely novel immunotherapies over the last two decades. However, a basic prerequisite for the success of all these therapies is that the immune effector cells find their way into the tumor in the first place. Our research group is investigating how the infiltration of immune cells into solid tumors is controlled and how this can be used to improve immunotherapies, particularly in gynecological cancers. The systems we study play a central role in almost all drug classes currently used in gynecological oncology, especially PARP and immune checkpoint inhibitors.

  • Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Dreyer, Ph.D. (Postdoc)
  • Dr. rer. nat. Vanessa Küntzel, Ph.D. (Postdoc)
  • Dorine Hamann (MD student)
  • Katharina Käfinger (MD student)
  • Giulia Magno (MD student)
  • Janna Nikonov (MD student)
  • Sina Nokodian (MD student)
  • Dr. med. Maximilian Riedel, M.D. (Physician)
  • Dr. med. Lukas Rief, M.D. (Physician)
  • Christoph Stange, M.Sc. (PhD student)
  • Isabel Vogel (MD student)